
Promoting the advancement of nuclear science and technology.
"My attendance at the bi-annual ANS fusion technology topical meetings and my subscription to the ANS journal Fusion Technology are my primary sources of technical information about what others are doing in my field, information I rely on for my job."
Dr. Kenneth R. Schultz
General Atomics
"For me, ANS has always been my main communication link to the profession."
Dr. Edward H. Klevans
Penn State University
"The career opportunities provided through ANS contacts and interactions have been the most beneficial of my life and the reason I stay in this field."
Edward (Ted) L. Quinn
MDM Services
"I have found that my ANS network has become invaluable as a resource to turn to in the course of my daily work."
Dr. Gail H. Marcus
U.S. Dept. of Energy
"For me a significant personal investment was made in becoming a nuclear professional. ANS membership is and has been a natural complement and extension of that investment on a continuing basis."
Dr. William F. Naughton
The Benefits of Membership in the American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society is committed to lead in the development, dissemination, and application of nuclear science and technology to benefit humanity. Its 11,000 members are nuclear science and technology professionals who together represent a strong, unified voice in support of the advancement of nuclear science. As a member of the American Nuclear Society, you'll receive:
- Nuclear News, providing you every month with the latest worldwide developments in the nuclear field, plus exclusive interviews with the movers and shakers shaping the profession.
- ANS News, reporting bi-monthly on the activities of the society, including public outreach efforts, position statements, "Window on Washington," honors and awards, society governance, and news about members.
- Access to ANS' Career Center in the members-only section of the ANS web site.
- Membership in at least two ANS divisions, providing you with information in your areas of specialty.
- Volunteer opportunities to express your viewpoints and enhance your career.
- Representation with regulators and legislators on behalf of the nuclear community.
- Substantial savings over the nonmember registration fee at ANS meetings (the difference could pay for your membership).
- Discounts on ANS journals, books, standards, and other publications.
- Group rate insurance plans.
ANS: Your Source for Professional Development
Your ANS membership includes a subscription to Nuclear News magazine, substantial savings on journals, books and Radwaste Solutions magazine, opportunities for networking and volunteerism, and access to ANS' international meetings, workshops and conferences at the member rate.
Nuclear News magazine
Nuclear News covers the latest developments in the international nuclear field. Published monthly, it contains feature articles and news reports on nuclear power, radiological protection, waste management, research and development, nuclear medicine, space applications, legislation and regulation, and other areas. It also contains exclusive Q&A interviews with industry leaders and trendsetters, a twice-yearly (January and July) List of Selected Outages at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants, and (in March) the annual World List of Nuclear Power Plants and regional maps of plant locations worldwide. A 13th bonus issue is the Nuclear News Buyers Guide, listing suppliers of nuclear products and services.
Radwaste Solutions magazine
Radwaste Solutions is the only glossy magazine focusing on radioactive waste management and environmental remediation. As its name suggests, it covers practical approaches and solutions to problems and issues in the fields of radioactive waste handling, storage, disposal, and cleanup and site restoration, the fastest-growing segments of the nuclear industry. Professionals in the field rely on this bimonthly magazine (6 issues annually) to bring them explanations of the latest technologies, reports on work in progress, discussions of controversial issues, and coverage of industry meetings and conferences. In addition to feature articles, regular departments include an editor's comment, calendar, industry news, business news, products and services listings, and personnel announcements.
Journals, Proceedings and Transactions
ANS' peer-reviewed journals are where much of nuclear's breakthroughs are first published.
Nuclear Science and Engineering, published since 1956, is widely recognized as an outstanding source of information on fundamental research in all scientific areas related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and radiation.
Nuclear Technology concerns the practical applications of nuclear science and technology.
Fusion Technology is a leading source of information on theoretical research in and applications of nuclear fusion technology and its potential use for energy in the future.
ANS Proceedings provide up-to-the-minute reports of current research and applications in nuclear science and engineering by publishing full papers from topical meetings and conferences.
Summaries of papers presenting new and significant advancements in nuclear science and technology from ANS' Annual and Winter Meetings are contained in Transactions of the American Nuclear Society.
ANS' Outreach program focuses on recognizing the benefits of nuclear science and technology as a real part of everyday life. The production of electricity for refrigerators and computers, medical diagnostics and treatments for illnesses, production of safe food, pursuing nuclear-related careers: the message is that nuclear science and technology improves the quality of life.
ANS' Public Education Program (PEP) educates and informs the public, teachers, students, and policymakers by:
- Presenting electronic information on the ANS website
- Creating informational brochures and pamphlets
- Sponsoring educator workshops on nuclear topics
- Producing a free newsletter for 21,000 educators
- Providing factual information to the media
- Supporting ANS Section and Branch outreach events
PEP is supported by ANS dues and voluntary contributions from members and nonmembers
Meetings, Workshops and Conferences
ANS holds two international meetings each year, in June and November. ANS international meetings feature comprehensive technical programs, exhibits, technical and guest tours, and special events. They also include embedded topical meetings, focusing on in-depth coverage of specific subjects, and Professional Development Workshops, focusing on improving real-world skills and job performance.
Through its professional divisions and local sections, ANS conducts 8 to 12 separate topical meetings each year. Internationally recognized authorities present the latest research and developments in their respective fields at these meetings.
The Society also holds three or four Executive Conferences each year, focusing on socioeconomic and political issues that arise in the implementation, operation, and regulation of the nuclear industry.
At ANS' annual Utility Working Conference, participants analyze techniques and solutions implemented by other utilities and organizations, and build on lessons learned. This conference complements and supports the industry's Strategic Plan for Improving Economic Performance.
Your Global Network
The American Nuclear Society is a global organization with 11,000 professional members who together represent a strong, unified voice in support of nuclear science and technology.
As an ANS member, you'll be able to stay on top of nuclear technology developments around the world and in your own backyard. ANS' constituency is international, multifaceted, and diverse, providing you with numerous opportunities to establish both local and global relationships. Approximately 900 members live overseas in 40 different countries, representing a broad range of nuclear specialty fields. ANS is the only individual membership society that represents the entire spectrum of nuclear science and technology.
When you join ANS, you'll be among peers working to promote such nuclear science and technology activities as:
- worldwide reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the use of nuclear power
- production of radioisotopes for medical use
- expanded use of food irradiation
- advancement of space technology
- research and development of fusion and fission
- development of international coalitions for the transfer of technology.
Leading the Way in Standards
ANS has been a leader in the development of nuclear consensus standards since 1958. ANS' Standards Committee maintains a close working relationship with the American Nuclear Standards Institute and other organizations interested in the development of nuclear standards. The Society has recently been awarded a grant by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to write the next phase of the Probabilistic Safety Standard.
Keeping You Informed
ANS provides you with credible, cutting-edge information generated through its members' research and writings and by its own editorial news staff. This information is presented at ANS meetings and published in ANS's peer-reviewed journals, its two magazines, its books and other publications. These are described in more depth on the other side of this brochure.
Representing Your Profession as a Technical Resource
ANS works with government agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations having a stake in nuclear science and technology. ANS serves as a technical resource to senior policy leaders and decision makers on such issues as the Yucca Mountain standard, the health effects of radiation, and sites for low-level waste disposal. It supports a U.S. Congressional fellowship. ANS also issues position papers on the nuclear science and technology issues of our times and publishes these in print and on the ANS website. In addition, ANS is providing the nuclear profession's perspective on the future energy policy of the United States. It's been successful in obtaining U.S. government funding for nuclear research, which benefits all nations. Internationally, ANS is working with other organizations to ensure that nuclear energy is recognized as the way to reduce global CO emissions.
Division Membership: Focusing on Your Field
ANS division membership provides you with information targeted to your technical specialties through newsletters, topical meetings and the internet.
As an ANS member, you'll be entitled to membership in two of ANS' 18 divisions of your choosing. Additional division memberships are available to ANS members for a minimal fee.
A new "Space Technology" division is under consideration during 2000-2001. If you're interested in becoming part of this division, just call or email ANS to be put in contact with others interested in this field.
ANS currently has the following 18 divisions:
- Accelerator Applications
- Biology and Medicine
- Decommissioning, Decontamination & Reutilization
- Education and Training
- Environmental Sciences
- Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
- Fusion Energy
- Human Factors
- Isotopes and Radiation
- Materials Science and Technology
- Mathematics and Computation
- Nuclear Criticality Safety
- Nuclear Installations Safety
- Operations and Power
- Radiation Protection and Shielding
- Reactor Physics
- Robotics and Remote Systems
- Thermal Hydraulics
Local Sections and Plant Branches: Meeting Your Needs Where You Live
While it takes the resources of ANS' worldwide network to produce the benefits described in this brochure, your ANS local section or plant branch provides you with networking, knowledge exchange and social activities in your own backyard. It also sponsors local events to educate and inform the public about the benefits of nuclear science and technology. ANS local section membership requires a separate, minimal membership fee. A listing of ANS local sections around the world can be found on the ANS website.
Student Membership: Focusing on the Future
If you're a student working on an academic degree in nuclear science and technology, you qualify to join ANS at a student rate. You may also be eligible for an ANS scholarship based on need or academic performance.
Organization Membership
Your organization can benefit from the rewards associated with ANS' Organization Member Program. This program supports the objectives of the Society, helps ensure the professional development of today's and tomorrow's workforce, and enhances the credibility of your organization. While distinct from individual membership, organization membership creates a partnership with the nuclear profession.
Immediate, Tangible Benefits
Soon after your application for ANS membership is processed, you'll be sent:
- Your first issue of ANS News, informing you about the Society's most recent activities
- Nuclear News magazine
- A volunteer form for you to get involved in Society activities
- A new member newsletter, providing you with detailed information on all aspects of the Society and contacts within it
- A membership card with your ANS ID# giving you access to the Members' Only section of the ANS website, including the Career Center
- A Certificate of Membership for you to proudly display as a symbol of your commitment to the nuclear profession.