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There are seven classifications of ANS membership, as follows.
Member (M1)
Full National Members are typically employed as scientists, engineers, educators or management in nuclear-related organizations such as utilities, medical institutions, research and test laboratories, government agencies and educational institutions.
Student (M3)
Student members must be currently enrolled at least half time in a scientific or engineering curriculum in a school having, or eligible to have, a student branch of the Society, or in the Naval Nuclear Power School.  Student members require the endorsement of their Student Branch Advisor or another current ANS member.
Fellow (M4)
A member is designated an ANS Fellow by nomination and approval of both the ANS Honors & Awards Committee and the ANS Board of Directors.  In order to be considered for nomination, individuals must be current ANS members for at least five consecutive years, age 35 or older, and recognized for their outstanding accomplishments in any one of the areas of nuclear science and engineering.  See Honors & Awards for further information.
Emeritus (M5)
Current members qualify for Emeritus status when they meet the following criteria: 10 years of ANS membership, at least 60 years of age, and retired.  Members who qualify for this designation should contact the Membership Department.
Fellow / Emeritus (M6)
ANS members who are designated Fellows and subsequently meet the requirements for M5 Emeritus classification.
Honorary Lifetime (M7-M8)
Honorary Lifetime membership is conferred upon individuals who have been ANS members for 40 continuous years, are at least 60 years of age, and retired.
Past President-Retired (MP)
Retired Past Presidents of ANS.
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